

The application process to study abroad has officially begun.  The amount of things that must be done from now until boarding the plane is staggering.  I will only have a few months to get everything together — which is enough time, but if I procrastinate at all, then there will be trouble.

The List:

  • Obtain two letters of recommendation
  • Write a personal statement on why I want to study abroad
  • Apply to study abroad
  • Obtain another letter of recommendation, this one for a scholarship
  • Apply for several scholarships
  • Have several meetings with advisers
  • Plan classes for the next two years
  • Visit the heads of various departments around the university to negotiate class equivalences abroad
  • Put down some money on a couple different initial deposits
  • Read and sign a couple dozen different forms
  • Apply for a visa
  • Have a doctor’s appointment
  • Book a flight
  • Buy everything I’ll need while abroad
  • Plus a bunch of other stuff that I’m forgetting

Whew.  By the way, anyone feel like lending giving me $24,000?

One Response to “Inceptum”

  1. 1 chipmunk

    sorry matt, but thats how much it costs for me to go to school for a year

    good luck remembering all of that

    boy has girl eyes

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