Ad Victoriam


With zero posts between now and the day I began my application process, I’m finally finished.  Several dozens of pages worth of forms, plus numerous statements/essays I had to write.  And that’s only for the application process — if I’m accepted, there’s much, much more that’ll need to be done.  I had to get no less than six letters of recommendation (plus a couple more coming up for scholarships).  But it will all be worth it; the moment I know I’m accepted I’ll be buying my plane ticket out of here.

An acceptance letter is “supposed” to be sent out (via e-mail) by the end of the first week of March.  If I’m accepted, of course.  I’m sure I’ll be checking my e-mail compulsively every chance I can get during the last couple days of the week.  I’m sure I’ll even be pulling out my Nintendo DS in the middle of class to use the DS Browser so I can check then, too.

Also between my last post and now, I’ve been able to experience working in the outdoors during winter (at night no less).  Not only was it just winter, it has been probably the worst winter I’ve seen as long as I’ve lived here.  After a couple weeks of single digit temperature and snowfall that has doubled last year’s total, its been a little hectic.  I didn’t think part of my job was to tow vehicles out of the snow, but hey, if you’re the only guy with a freakin’ towing chain available, I guess that makes you the vehicle tower by default.  Then again, a few blizzards here and there ain’t gonna faze me.  Spring is almost here, though, and that’ll be one year on the job by April (pay raise!).

Speaking of spring… spring classes:

LINGUISTICS 210 – The Power of Words
L&I SCI 110 – Introduction to Information Science
JAPAN 202 – Fourth Semester Japanese
ENGLISH 205 – Business Writing
GLOBAL 290 – Media Conflict

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