An Update for the Sake of Updating


I’m closing in on two months, and time is really flying by!

Because we just had midterms, there hasn’t been too much free time for fun stuff, and hence no interesting blog updates.  The only free time I’ve really had has been devoted to karaoke and a day spent in Osu over the weekend.  I also went to the Nagoya matsuri (a local festival held every year to celebrate the city) last week.  Speaking of karaoke, I think I’ve developed a little setlist of my best songs.  They are:

  • Rolling Stones – Paint it Black
  • Queen – Under Pressure
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication (and Under the Bridge)
  • The Police – Message in a Bottle
  • David Bowie – A Space Oddity

Now at this point I’m trying to decide whether I should go east or west.  And by that I mean whether I should go to Osaka/Kyoto (west) or Tokyo (east).  We have a five-day vacation from class at the end of this month, and everyone is planning trips around the country.  Right now I wouldn’t mind going to either place, since I haven’t really left Nagoya since I first got to Japan.

Anyway, here’s a link to the video I took of the firedancers at the Nagoya matsuri:

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