Archive for the ‘School’ Category

The Year Ahead


This year (the 2009-2010 school year) is shaping up to be pretty busy.  One year ago I thought applying to study abroad was a lot of work.  Applying for the JET Programme this year is even more work than that, plus I have two other major events to prepare for, which are the JLPT Level […]

Moving Forward


The semester is over.  In roughly twelve hours I will graduate from Nanzan University.  And by graduate, I mean I will receive a certificate of completion.  After that is the farewell party, followed by our last hurrah at a beer garden located right by Nagoya station. When that is all over with, I have about […]

Yesterday we picked classes, and only one day later (today) classes have started.  However, we do have a couple weeks to decide if we want to switch classes.  Here’s what the lineup looks like as of now: Intensive Japanese (500 Level) Japanese Writing III Japanese Literature IV Hanga (Woodblock ink printing) I’m hoping I’ll get […]

Twelve credits of Japanese during one semester ended up being a little bit much.  I dropped one class (Japanese writing) and picked up Ikebana instead, which is a Japanese flower arrangement art.  Maybe that might seem a bit girly, but people take the art pretty seriously; there’s a lot of methodology and forms that you […]

Three Weeks In


Today marks three weeks in Japan.  I can’t really tell if it seems like that’s a long time or not.  On paper it seems like a long time, but it doesn’t feel like it, mainly because the days have been so busy that they seem to fly by. I finally have some pictures up at […]

Classes officially started last Wednesday.  Here is what I’m taking for this semester. Intensive Japanese (400 Level) Japanese Writing II Intermediate Translation Japanese Foreign Policy The first two classes are taught 100%, which is completely new to me, and almost a little bit overwhelming.  However, I think I’ll catch up after awhile.  The only thing that really […]

I’ve finally sent in my final confirmation to be in the study abroad program.  I have my plane ticket.  School’s out.  Now I just have to wait… Had my last final today.  Feels like every semester goes by faster than the last. In the meantime though, I get to fill out more and more paperwork.  […]



Some of the stuff in this post can easily be found on Wikipedia, but I thought I’d just tell a little bit about the city I will be in.  My school is located in Nagoya, Japan, which is the fourth largest city in Japan (after Tokyo, Osaka, and Yokohama).  There’s about 2.2 million people in […]

Ad Victoriam


With zero posts between now and the day I began my application process, I’m finally finished.  Several dozens of pages worth of forms, plus numerous statements/essays I had to write.  And that’s only for the application process — if I’m accepted, there’s much, much more that’ll need to be done.  I had to get no […]

Exam Trifecta


Monday: Meteorology exam Tuesday: Japanese exam Wednesday: Microeconomics exam Fun.  They aren’t even midterms, and yet they’re all lumped together in one week.  I’ve only taken the meteorology one so far, and I really have no idea if I did good or not.  Unfortunately it was only 25 questions long, leaving little margin for error.  […]