Posts Tagged ‘nanzan’

Yesterday we picked classes, and only one day later (today) classes have started.  However, we do have a couple weeks to decide if we want to switch classes.  Here’s what the lineup looks like as of now: Intensive Japanese (500 Level) Japanese Writing III Japanese Literature IV Hanga (Woodblock ink printing) I’m hoping I’ll get […]

Classes officially started last Wednesday.  Here is what I’m taking for this semester. Intensive Japanese (400 Level) Japanese Writing II Intermediate Translation Japanese Foreign Policy The first two classes are taught 100%, which is completely new to me, and almost a little bit overwhelming.  However, I think I’ll catch up after awhile.  The only thing that really […]

Alright! Let me start out by saying that internet usage has been sporadic since I got to Japan, thus the lack of updates/pictures.  This coming Friday, I will be able to use my laptop on the campus networks, so I`ll have more time to be able to update this blog and post pictures.  By October, […]



Well, the time is finally here.  The plane leaves in about ten hours… better get some shut-eye. See you on the other side of the world!

Trading Spaces


My Certificate of Eligibility, as well as some other papers and information, have arrived.  Unfortunately, it would seem that the university has run out of host families.  As such, I’ve been moved to the dormitories.  On the plus side, this dormitory (which is among at least three or four others ran by the university) is […]